KMITL provided collaboration research services for local industry and local communities to improve their energy efficiency and clean energy. The outstanding project to develop energy and energy efficiency is: “Project for procurement of energy efficiency standards for Residential house”, a collaborated project with the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency, which is the government organization to develop the standards of energy efficiency for improving Thailand’s energy efficiency. The project has been provided to tackle Thailand’s energy efficiency plan. The project’s research process has been finished and the project has been published and promoted in 2019.
KMITL and Infineon develop Electronic, automotive and electric vehicle operation lab at KMITL.
KMITL design the New U-Tapao airport for AOT. The design is an efficiency usage concern, using natural light, etc.

Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency & KMITL develop
“Project for procurement of energy efficiency standards for Residential house”

Electronic, automotive and electric vehicle operation lab at KMITL
KMITL-Infineon Automotive Electronics Cooperation (KIAEC)

KMITL design the New U-Tapao airport for AOT. The design is an efficiency usage concern.